Evans Tries O-Level by Collin Dexter
(A)Short Answer-type Questions & Answers Part
One: Most Important

What kind of a person was Evans?
Ans. Evans was a ‘Kleptomaniac’ by birth. He had to go to jail for three times for the crime of theft. He was called ‘Evans the break’ for the skill of escaping. He was a pleasant boy, having no record of violence against anyone.
Q2. Do you think Evan's statement, ‘I may surprise everybody,” has some special significance?
Ans. His statement has a special significance. It had double meaning. The surface meaning is that he could surprise all by his performance in exam. But he wanted to surprise all by escaping from the jail.
Q3.Why did Evans drape (wrap) a blanket round his shoulder? What did Stephens think about it?
Ans. Evans was taking advantage of that to wear the dress of a parson (priest). Therefore he had covered himself with a blanket to hide his activity. Stephens thought that he was having a blanket due to cold inside the cell.
Q4.. In spite of strict vigilance, how did Evans’ friend manage to give the material for disguise in the cell?
Ans. Evans’ friend had worn two dresses of a parson. He also brought extra spectacles with him. During the intervals provided by Stephens while peeping in, MacLeery and Ivans did what they wanted. It was all done according to Evans’ master-plan.
Q5. Who were the two visitors Evans received in the morning of the day of his exam?
Ans. The visitors were not outsiders, but the officers of the prison’s D-wing. The names of the officers were, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Stephens. The latter was recently recruited.
Q6. Why did the Governor instruct Jackson to search McLeery?
Ans. The Governor of the prison did not want to take any risk. Evans had already escaped from jail three times. So he instructed Jackson also to check even McLeery lest he should be a party with Evans.
Q7. Why was Evans called ‘Evans the break’?
Ans. Evans was called ‘Evans the break’ because he was a mastermind in breaking the tight security of the jails. He had escaped from prison three times before. So the governor and other officers of the jail were under fear.
Q1.What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct
of the examination?
Ans. The governor did not want that Evans could bring disgrace to Oxford Prison by escaping for the fourth time. So he was personally monitoring all security arrangements. He had deployed police personnel near the Recreational Block. The cell was also scrutinized for every possibility of providing advantage to Evans. His nail‐scissors, nail‐file and razor were taken away from him. Even McLeery along with his suitcase was checked. Even Stephens was made to sit outside the gate of the cell. He was peeping through the peep-hole every now and then. The Governor also kept listening through his phone the conversation that took place inside the cell. In this way, all precautions were taken in view to conduct Evans’ exam smoothly.
Q2. Describe the character-sketch of Evans.
Ans. Evans is the main character in this one-act play. His track-record as a criminal is clean. He has never been convicted for using violence. He was a
‘Kleptomaniac’ by birth. He had to go to jail for three times for the crime of thefts. He was called ‘Evans the break’ for the skill of escaping. He was a pleasant boy.
He kept cracking jokes with jail employees. He is friendly to all. He is a mastermind in making his plans and also in executing the He made a plan to pass an exam. He did all cleverly. He took help of his friends. He befooled the prison authorities and escaped for the fourth time also.
Q3. “I may surprise everybody” said Evans to his German teacher. Do you think he proved this statement right? Substantiate your answer. Ans. Evan is indeed a mastermind and he knew how to make perfect plans to escape from the jail. He has already escaped from jail for three times and now he has made a plan to escape it for the fourth time. He was a born kleptomaniac and for that he had to remain in jail. At this time he made a plan with the help of his loyal friends to befool the prison authorities. The invigilator who came in the guise of McLeery was one of his friends and he supplied him clothes of a priest, blood and other material. He also got the help of his friends to make fake calls to the governor, one from the board for a correction slip and the other from the magistrate court. When the governor was relishing his victory in a hotel’s room, Evans again fooled him. He escaped from the governor’s clutches for the fourth time. In this way, he gave surprise to all.
Q4.What precautions were taken by the prison authorities to check the possibility of Evans’ efforts
to escape from the Oxford
Ans. James Evans was a born kleptomaniac. The prison officers used to call him ‘Evans the Break’ because he had escaped the prison three times already. The Governor did not want that Evans would disgrace the Oxford Prison that time. So he would see the arrangements for Evans’ security personally. He was searched for the possibility of having some sharp edged weapon. Mr. Jackson had also taken the nail scissors and the nail file out of it. The Governor was having some doubts about Evans. He thinks that it might be possible that Evans might take advantage of McLeery and get a chisel, a rope ladder, etc.
McLeery’s suitcase was also searched and his paper knife was kept in Jackson’s possession. The Governor was also keeping the telephone on the hold to listen to the conversation in the cell. Stephens also keeps on peeping into the cell through the peep hole. In spite of all the efforts, Evans bluffed the prison authorities and escaped from there for the fourth time.
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