Sunday 30 January 2022

Write a note on Tagore’s concept of the ‘Heaven of freedom’-Where the Mind is without Fear-Rabindranath Tagore

 Q2. Write a note on Tagore’s concept of the ‘Heaven of freedom’.

Ans. According to common perception (view/opinion), heaven is a place where everything is in ideal condition. No evil is found there. It is a place where gods and goddesses are found.  Tagore also cherishes (takes pleasure in) the dream in which he wishes his country to become a place like heaven. So we may say that it is only possible when everything becomes ideal and human beings also behave as gods and goddesses do. For that, Tagore prays to God that his countrymen should adopt certain qualities that make them ideal beings. He thinks that political and economic freedoms are useless if the people are not mentally free.

Our mind should not be a slave to any dogmas, narrow-mindedness, and social or moral evil. He thinks of a country where people are fearless, courageous, and brave. There should not be any barrier that divides his countrymen on the basis of colour, caste, and creed.  His countrymen should be free to increase their knowledge. Education in his country should be free for all. The people of his country should be broad-minded, honest, and generous in nature.  They should be true to their word actions and thoughts.  If all these qualities are imbibed into the personality of the people, then, his country would really become a heaven of freedom on the earth.



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