Saturday, 13 August 2016

The Face on the Wall (Qs. & Ans)

12. The Face on the Wall
Q1. What was the topic of discussion of the people gathered at Dabney’s?
Ans. The writer and some other guests were present at Dabney’s house. They were telling a story one by one about supernatural topics.
Q2. What did the people at Dabney’s ask the little man to do? What was his reply?
Ans. There was a little man with anxious face among the guests present at Dabney’s house. They asked the little man to narrate a story on the same topic as they were narrating. The man told them that he had a different story to tell. It would be based on truth.
Q3. What did the little man, the narrator of the story, find on the wall of his room?
Ans. The narrator, the little man told the people present there that there appeared human face-like features on one of the walls of his room. In the beginning the features were dim, but later on those became very clear.

Q4. Why and where did the narrator look for the man having the same face that had appeared on the wall of his room?
Ans. During the time of his illness, the face on the wall had a very strong grip on the narrator’s mind. So he went in search of the man having the similar face. He went to the crowded places like markets, political gatherings, to the playgrounds, railway stations, etc.
Q5. What did the little man, the narrator, ask the man he met outside the cabin in a ship? What happened after the narrator read the card?
Ans. The narrator had to wait for the rich man outside a cabin in a ship. After half an hour, as he came out, the narrator asked him for the card. He received it and read it in a corner. As he read it, the narrator fell down unconscious. When he came to sense, he was in a hospital.
Q6. What happened to the face on the wall when the narrator went back home?

Ans. Some time passed. The narrator reached his city and slept at night. But in the morning, he saw that the face on the wall had become dim. The next morning it disappeared from the wall. 

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Performa/ Proforma/Pro forma?